About Arts4NH


Arts4NH supports NH arts and culture through community building,communication, and advocacy efforts to advance the creative economy.


A population that values and invests in dynamic and diverse arts and creative experiences that engage communities through exploration and celebration at local, state, regional, and national levels.

Arts in NH it isn’t one thing, it includes:

  • Practicing visual, performing or mixed media artists from hobbyists to professionals

  • Venues, galleries and programming organizations 

  • The education of the arts in schools both public and private

  • Preservation organizations

  • The State Council on the Arts (NHSCA)

  • Municipalities Arts and Cultural Depts. Recreation Depts. and Public Libraries

  • Suppliers, equipment rentals, and adjacent industries


  • While cities like Portsmouth, Manchester and Concord boast a reputation of culture, there are over 100 arts venues and organizations across this state supported by the NHSCA.

  • Providing arts events helps build community through collaboration, connections and entertainment–including festivals, concerts and workshops. 

  • Brings in new talent and retains our youth, which helps address “brain drain” when young creatives move outside the state for better opportunities.

  • Reflects our history from the crafts of indigenous people of New England, to the shaker people to contemporary craftspeople.


  • NH has invested 72 cents per resident in the arts and culture sector leading to a return on investment of $3.4B in creative economy revenue statewide and collected over $5M in annual tax dollars. 

  • The State Council on the Arts has funded 180 grantees withover $1.5M for FY24 in over 60 communities.

  • The Arts and Culture of NH contributed $3.4 billion to our economy in 2022. 

  • Many adjacent industries in the state rely on the arts in a symbiotic relationship whether it be the hospitality industry, food and beverage or education


  • The benefits of the arts on health and wellbeing of individuals and community have been well documented in NH and beyond.

  • From the Recovery initiatives to the Dept of Corrections, the arts has a profound impact on our state's most vulnerable populations.

2025 Board Of Directors

Chair: Sal Prizio

Vice Chair: Andrew Pinard

Secretary: Amanda Nelson

Treasurer: Susanna Brent


Carey Cahoon

Miriam Carter

Deanna Hoying

Ethan Paulini

Jayme Simões

Ex Officio:

Roger Brooks

Ginnie Lupi