Arts Education in NH

Our mission is to expand awareness of the pivotal role arts and culture play in New Hampshire’s creative economy and community life. Our vision is to be the leading state-wide voice for arts and creativity. Through our efforts to educate and inform, every citizen will recognize the essential value of the arts and culture to NH’s economic, educational and social well-being.

Why the Arts Are Important in NH

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The traditional education system has been far too centered on straightforward textbook lessons and scientific facts, and leaves little room for critical thinking and creative expression. And while the subjects of science and mathematics and technologies are important to raise good professionals, we believe that arts and creativity are also essential to raise good human beings.

By integrating concepts, themes and promoting reflection, arts education can help students navigate the challenges of the real world and open the doors to new ways of interpreting reality and learning.

Importance Of Strong Arts Education Curriculum

Research has shown there are impressive benefits of arts education on the entire school culture, such as boosting motivation, promoting positive attitudes, and attendance. It has also been found that arts education encourage students to stay in school, and make them seek success in school, life and work. 

However, not every student and every school have access to a strong arts education, something that, given the proven benefits, must be changed. Statewide and nationwide, everyone should have access to high quality learning experiences in the arts, both in school and in the community. 

Training The 21st Century Workforce

The world is too complex to be put into straightforward boxes, and artistic environments provide fluid, dynamic and multifaceted contexts that help students develop emotional intelligence and soft skills that, in today’s professional world, are as important as academic skills. 

The arts teach students innumerable lessons that can be translated into a real life context later in life. The arts, in whatever form, teach that practice makes perfect and make students better at dealing with frustration and failure. They teach that small differences can have large effects and that open discussion and collaboration lead to creativity. The arts also teach children that there a several paths to take when approaching problems and that all problems can have more than one solution. So when they grow up, they will understand that life is not a straight line from A to B.