Creativity Takes Courage

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Arts4NH recognizes the power of the arts and culture to provide hope, healing, and comfort. In these unprecedented times of challenge and uncertainty, we are keenly aware of the disruption and devastation the Covid-19 pandemic is bringing to our individual and organizational members, as well as the communities in which they live and serve throughout our great state of New Hampshire.

The Board of Arts4NH is aware these rapidly evolving developments and directives nationally, in New England, and of course, in New Hampshire. As a Board we are focused on ways and means to best serve our members and constituents. As in our own individual artistic endeavors, we try to approach challenges creatively. This takes courage.

Arts4NH recognizes the acute need for financial relief among our members and constituents now, and that the recovery, once it begins, will be a long and difficult trek. Yet, we also acknowledge our mission to advocate, educate, communicate, and connect the arts sector throughout New Hampshire. Therefore, the Arts4NH Board has determined we can best serve our members and constituents by communicating accurate information, connecting links to trust-worthy websites, educating about evolving relief assistance programs, and advocating for initiatives and legislation which will reinforce long-term funding opportunities for the arts and culture in years to come.

To that end, as you are able, we encourage you to directly support our non-profit arts organization members through advance ticket sales, gift cards, and donations on their respective websites. Links to our current organization member websites are listed below:

Portsmouth Music & Arts Center

Arts Alive Inc.

The Colonial Performing Arts Center

Palace Theatre

New Hampshire Business Committee for the Arts

Pontine Theatre

Green Chair Pictures

Please also consider membership in Arts4NH, now or in the future, so that we can add depth and resonance to the chorus of voices advocating and educating for arts and culture in our state.

Thank you for your interest in Arts4NH and your continuing work making New Hampshire a more robust creative and artful place.

-Arts4NH Board of Directors