National Governors Association Conversation for the Arts
Dear Honorable Governor Sununu:
On behalf of Arts4NH and the entire arts and creativity sector in the State of New Hampshire, thank you for your leadership guiding our state as we battled Covid-19. While the entire economy was impacted, several industries were decimated: retail, hospitality, tourism, and the arts/creative sector.
While the retail and hospitality sectors appear to be returning, and New Hampshire tourism seems poised for a strong rebound this summer, the arts/creative sector is still struggling.
In New Hampshire, the creative economy is BIG business, generating $3.1 Billion annually, 3.5% of the GSP, according to the 2019 US Bureau of Economic Analysis – State Profiles. Yet, in 2020 financial losses to New Hampshire non-profit arts and cultural organizations are an estimated $384 million. 53% of New Hampshire’s creative entities were severely impacted by Covid-19. According to Brookings Institute, 13,049 of NH’s creative workers (58%) are unemployed. Plus many gig workers are locked-out of most unemployment programs.
Consider also, the impact NH’s 3,170 creative entities bring to main street businesses, such as restaurants, lodging, retail, and parking. Americans for the Arts’ 2017 Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 report estimated that $0.83 of every dollar invested in local nonprofit arts entities is re-invested in local economies. Each arts event attendee spends $31.47 beyond the arts ticket cost on meals, retail, parking, lodging, local transportation, childcare and souvenirs.
Yet, New Hampshire’s arts sector is not merely a catalyst for recovery and revitalization of local economies, but also for the social well-being, livability, and mental health of our states’ communities, as well. A December 2020 Americans for the Arts survey found 89% of arts nonprofits boosted morale through their art during the pandemic.
Given the importance and the value of the arts/creative sector to our state, the disproportionate negative impact and its lagging recovery, Arts4NH respectfully asks that you request the National Governors Association to convene a national conversation of governors to discuss short and long term solutions to allow this industry to not only recover, but help fuel a national boom post Covid-19.
Trip Anderson,
Arts4NH Board Chair